About Us

The Florida Blueberry Growers Association (FBGA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Florida blueberry industry and the growers who make it possible. It aims to promote and improve the production and utilization of Florida Blueberries.

FBGA Mission

The mission of the FBGA is to:

  1. Enhance the profitability and sustainability of blueberry farming in Florida.
  2. Provide education and resources to growers on best practices.
  3. Advocate for the interests of blueberry growers at the state level.
  4. Support research and development to improve blueberry varieties and cultivation methods.

Blueberry Production in Florida

Southern Highbush Varieties

Southern Highbush blueberries are the primary type grown in Florida. These varieties are specifically bred to thrive in Florida’s climate, characterized by mild winters and hot, humid summers. Key varieties include:

  • Sentinel
  • Optimus
  • Arcadia
  • Farthing
  • Albus
  • Emerald


Florida’s blueberry season typically runs from March through May, which allows Florida blueberries to reach the market before other U.S. regions, providing a competitive advantage.

Total Farms and Production

Florida has approximately 5,700 acres dedicated to blueberry production. The state produces around 20 million pounds of blueberries annually.


Employment Numbers

The blueberry industry in Florida provides significant employment, particularly during the harvesting season. It supports thousands of jobs, including farmworkers, packers, and those involved in transportation and sales. Exact employment numbers can fluctuate based on the season and production scale.

Harvesting: Manual and Mechanical

  • Manual Harvesting: Predominantly used for fresh market blueberries, manual harvesting ensures higher quality fruit with minimal damage. It is labor-intensive and requires a skilled workforce.
  • Mechanical Harvesting: Utilized primarily for berries destined for processing, mechanical harvesting is faster and can reduce labor costs. However, it may cause more damage to the fruit and plants compared to manual harvesting.

Research Partners

The FBGA collaborates with various research institutions to advance blueberry cultivation practices. Key partners include:

  • University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS): Conducts extensive research on blueberry breeding, pest management, and cultivation techniques.
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA): Provides support for agricultural research and development.
  • Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS): Supports research and development initiatives and promotes Florida agriculture.


The Florida Blueberry Growers Association is vital in supporting the blueberry industry in Florida through education, advocacy, and research. With a focus on Southern Highbush varieties, Florida's blueberry production benefits from a unique seasonal advantage, contributing significantly to local employment and agricultural output. Collaborative research with institutions like the University of Florida and USDA ensures the continuous improvement of blueberry farming practices.